- Ensure Rapid & Smooth Turn Around of Aircraft on Ground.
- Ensure Safety, Security & Efficiency of Aircraft & Ramp Services.
- Pre-arrangement of all Aircraft & Ramp Handling with Service
- Providers.
- Obtain & Provide Authorization on behalf of Airline.
- Meeting & Marshalling the Aircraft.
- Ensure that all Security & Safety Standards are in Place.
- Load & Balance Control.
- ULD Management.
- Sorting, Loading & Unloading of Baggage, Cargo & Mail.
- ATC Flight Plan & Time Slot Allocation.
- Weather Forecast (Meteorological Documentation).
- Crew Transfers, Accommodation Administration.
- Lavatory & Water Services.
- Handling all related Operations, Messages & Communications
- with Service Providers, Authorities & Airline Main Hub (MVT,
- LDM, PSM, PTM…etc.).(Pre & Post Flight Communications).
- Regular Reports on Performance to Airline.
- Speed Ground Handling Requirements (GPU), (ASU), (A/C).
- Passengers Manifest & Other Documentation.
- Audit & Meetings with Service Providers during Airline
- Aircraft Line Maintenance.
- In-Flight Services Support.
- Back Offices Services & Flights Proper Documentation.
- Invoices & Payments Control.
- Co-Mail Receiving & Delivery.
- Team Work Communication & Culture.
- Crew Briefing.
- Parking Positions & Gates.
- Fueling Arrangements.
- Executives Visits.
- De-Icing Services.
- Push Back & Towing.
- Flight Dispatch.
- Catering Coordination.
- Cleaning Coordination.
- Interline Baggage Transfer